Referees: the odd statistics that are simply never revealed or discussed

By Tony Attwood This is part three of the series on Arsenal, referees and the media.  The earlier parts are: Are the referees and the media really out to get Arsenal, or am I just imagining it? How discussions about refereeing are deliberately stifled by the media And interestingly as I came to post this …

How discussions about refereeing are deliberately stifled by the media

By Tony Attwood This article continues from Are the referees and the media really out to get Arsenal, or am I just imagining it?   I concluded that earlier piece by making the point that news is invariably selected by news outlets to fit an existing agenda.   Which raises the question, is there a conscious …

Are the referees and the media really out to get Arsenal, or am I just imagining it?

By Tony Attwood This is part one of our series on gaslighting 2: How discussions about refereeing are deliberately stifled by the media 3: Referees: the odd statistics that are simply never revealed or discussed 4: How we have been utterly misled about football: part 4 5: Hiding the problem of refereeing is destroying the …